Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Venice or bust.

Hello all.  First Kate, I visited St. Clares Cathedral in the afternoon.  Very impressive.  Assissi was very laid back after Rome and few other places where you're constantly watching your wallet.  And Tina,  It's such a great place with the vfiews and buildings and history that you don't really notice the steps but I will say that from yhe top road to the caslte is 161 steps and when you get to the road to the castle after that, look on the left at the 4 strand wire fence.  Check the photo....people have been jamming their chewed gum on it for years and it is quite repulsive....and seen some repulsive shit in my day.
Now Venice.  First the exhorbitant prices blew me away.  I thought Rome was bad.  I decided my beer and pasta gut needed a break so I had a cheese burger, fries and a beer.  $36.00 later I nearly called the coppers cos I was getting robbed.  The hotel is nice, right on the main canal.  Jumped on a ferry yeterday arvo and did a 2 hour trip/circuit to check it out.  An bloody eye opener but also reminds me a bit of home as well.  Did the Maritime museum to kill an hour and walked out 4 hours later.  Very impressive stuff but I'm into that stuff a bit.  Walked around to the Rialto bridge thru the bloody crowds and found St. Anthonys church.  St. Marks queue was worse than Rome so didn't bother.
Will try for photos but may run out of time.  Last Blog as I fly home tomorrow.  Love to all and thanks for the comments.  I've been giggling as much as you lot hav e been enjoying them.  Lucas

The Champion of the Coloseum

Chewy fence.  Zoom in and check the old mouldy ones

Cab't beat a view like this can you

That towet on the left is what I swung off to get some pics.  The things I do.  Had to change my undies afterwards.

Rialto Bridge in Venice.  As you can see, very busy.


  1. you know mum is going to have to count those stairs now don't you.....
    glad you have had a fantastic trip, making all those memories to last a lifetime.
    safe travels home.

  2. Oh Emmeline knows her mother so well!!! You have had such a great trip & seen sooo much & experienced sooo much too....sounds like you have enjoyed most of it though....Mum is going to have you on a diet when you get home!! She thinks you've put on a kg or be prepared!!! Your photos have been fantastic & it's good when you have yourself in them...we know you're OK then. have a safe trip home & much love

  3. And so we say farewell, to great company,many laughs, great food and vino, plus a big learning curve of the locals, not to forget the wonders you have experienced. But that chewing gum !!!. Re the diet, I think I can forget that now, I realise how many kilometres,hills and steps, must be sooooo fit, ?? Thanks for all you descriptions and the snaps, dad and I have enjoyed and laughed all. Travel safely ,looking forward to catching up. Much love Mum and Dad

  4. Lucas...have loved the blogs. looking forward to many more stories and photos once you're home and recovered. love M-M

  5. Hmmm Georgina... where are the final photos you alluded to in your last post???
