Monday, April 4, 2011


We were booked on a 10.25 am Air France flight from Bordeaux to Barcelona yesterday.Neither of us thought about the fact that this might be a regional flight and so were a bit surprised to see that our plane held about 100 people.  When boarding, neither or us could stand fully straight because the ceiling was right there!  It only took about an hour to fly over the Pyrenees to get here.  What a sight though.  Beautiful snow capped mountain range then northern Spain is very green, after good rain this winter.  We had to circle away from Barcelona before we landed and had great views of it all - very lovely.  Our apartment is great and we have a room each here.  There are 8 people here.  We walked about the neighbourhood a bit and had a late dinner in an Argentinian restaurant last night, then the 4 men went to an Irish Bar to watch Barcelona play.  Mark and Steve are not well today - some bug. Lucas has booked his ferry to Ibiza for Wednesday night.  He and I did that this evening while we spent time at the port.   Very popular with the locals, so busy, lots of markets and stalls - holding tight to handbag and wallet pocket, as we'd been warned about the pickpockets in this area.  It was fun and colourful and noisy.  Europe is VERY multicultural and that's been very interesting to us both.
Unfortunately the wifi in this building is very slow, so no photos from us at the moment.


  1. Good morning you two.
    Sounds terrific, the stuff you are doing. The flight over the mountains would have been amazing. Keep those bags and money belts close, as I have heard the same about Barcelona. Stay safe. Young Simon and Helen

  2. I too have heard some horror stories about hang on tight!! Aren't the Pyrenees fatastic...imagine walking through them!!

  3. Mum says 'what skites are those Barkers" Lovely to hear of you altogether again for mor adventures. Terrible 'bugs' you can pick up in those bars in spain!!!! M-M MLY and RAY

  4. Close to doing your solo safely and enjoy all. Lucas you might find it hard not to have someone to compare sights with you,,,,don't forget to blog.....Georgina at le ast you will have some company. don'tyou forget to blog also ! That's the mother lecturing again.. Great to get your card, made it a bit special as, not having my computer, I am unable to travel with you and enjoy the sights. TRavel safely,,, God Bless Mum an Dad
