Saturday, April 16, 2011

Sorrento and Rome

Hello all.  Left Sorrwento this morning on the rattler to Naples.  Last night I walked to the water front near where I was staying.  Didn't know it was another cliff top and my arse was puckering big time.  Managed to steo back to a restaurant and have a cold beer and watch the sun set over the Mediterranean.  Beautiful.  This morning was a case of watch your bags for thieves and head off to Rome.  Met a couple from houston Texas on the train who'd fallen in love with Positano and wanted to return.  We shared stories of the bus rides.  got the bullet train to Rome and struck mayhem and, for the first time, lack of help and friendliness from the local coppers.  Anyway' once again I pissed off a local.  This knucklehead with a 'free inforamtion' badge approached me and offered to walk me to my accomodation for ten euro.  I said, where's the free in that old mate.  He got the shits cos I mentioned taxi so I told him he was a rip off and walked away as he gave me a gob full.  Shit I laughed as I walked away.  Got directions to the hotel which was a 5 minute walk and was pleasantly surprised with my new digs.  Did a walk to a few close places and was blown away by the Basilica for Magdeline Angelica.  This had a display on  Galileo comparing science to the church which was a good insight.  Sneakers had mentioned the church with the light that shines in and marks time and the stars etc.  Blew me away.    Found a place with, yep, you guessed it cos you've been waiting for it.....Saint Lucas.  Check the attached snaps.  Hey Sneakers, you've got a shop, I've got a bloody saint!!!!!!
I don't know what happened to my snaps but I seemed to have lost nearly all my Pompei photos.  not happy Jan.
Doing the Vatican, St. Peters etc and then hopefully the Trevi Fountain.  If I have time then Pantheon.  go Sunday as well but am staying away from the vatican for obvious reasons.  Went into the church in sorrento late yesterday for a look and mass just stared.  Stayed for mass - in italian but was able to respond in most places.  Very different but the same if youy get my drift.
I'll try some more snaps.

Amphitheatre in Taormina.  amazing place.  Another tick off the bucket list.

Mt new partner.  great help.  Can't remember her name.

Dead Scooters left to rot on the side of the killer highway at Positano.

On the beach at Positano.  Wait till I get home to show you the footage of really bad seamanship.

Watching the sunset in Sorrento.  Behind the bloke taking the photo is a sheer cliff face.

Check the sign above old mate...yep.  Saint Lucas.  Yeah baby!!!

Did I mention they have icecream in Italy.  Chocolate, Strawberry and Bannana. Deeeelicious.  The only one they didn't have was poo flavour but I did ask!!!!

Time line on the floor of the Basilica.  Even has the star signs by Galileo.


  1. I could have spent time at the Magdalena Angelca , what interesting stuff from galeliao....and so many years ago. Didn't know there was a St Lucas, thought you would have been 'the one' !! Gelato.... ...thought you had had enough Loved the snaps, especially with you in them, not too sure about the 'sand' on the beach, looks more like dirt. Keep enjoying, and try to be nice to the locals .Much love Mum and Dad

  2. Welcome home Georgina, Thanks for all the great travelling we have had with you. So proud of you getting along with your phobias o,k, Rest up when you get home as it is a very very long trip home. God Bless Mum and dad

  3. Forgot to mention, your snaps are magic when we blow them up...see so much more detail. Thanks lovey Mum

  4. Nice jumper Lucas..I've got one just like it funny enough..I think I will go pray for you in my local church IF YOU DON'T GO TO THE PANTHEON!!!
    Godere il resto della vostra vacanza e soggiorno sicuro...which means...(enjoy the rest of your holiday and stay safe)

  5. OMG... not go to the Pantheon!!!! That's unthinkable!!!
    Positano... two of my favourites right there!

  6. Hey FAB photos. Looking forward to the rest now. Love M-M
