Thursday, April 14, 2011

El Alhambra, Granada

As most of you know, I´ve been busting to see the Alhambra and today I did.

We left Fuengirola at 7.30 am, crossing from small mountains towards the Sierra Nevada  mountains.  There is still snow at just under 4000 feet and people are still skiing.  The Alhambra is the place most visited by tourists, in Spain.  It´s very organised and timetabled, with tickets you must not lose or you cannot proceed.  UNESCO runs it, not the Spanish government.  You have seen documentaries about it, I'm sure.  First we go through the gardens and pavilions then to the 3 other buildings.  Most of the Arabic designs are still quite obvious, with the Christian touches dating from the 15th century.  It would have been amazingly colourful in it´s day, like most of these old buildings in Europe.

This lobby computer doesn't read camera card . . . .

We are now in Granada, resting before our buffet dinner, then on to the Gypsy Flamenco!

2 more sleeps in Spain before I start my journey home!!!!!


  1. I'm exhausted just reading the list of names you've been are definitely seeing & experiencing lots of bits of Spain...should give you a taste so you can go back & do it more slowly another time. There is some fantastic "old" stuff isn't there?? Enjoy what's left & have a good trip Tina

  2. Hey Lucas , how many "Hail Marys" did you say on THAT bus trip? At a bus conference I remember a lady ,on top of Mt Wellington , saying that she said the Hail Marys backwards. What a journey of contrasts you are experiencing. Loving your pics, Dad sits with me and enjoys too. Expecting S and H down for John's birthday bash this weekend, will be good to catch up with them also.Same old happening here, with plenty of cat-naps. As M-m said , remember the mafia in Naples, keep a low profile, no more laughing at smoke blowing onto others ! But , we did laugh and imagined it. Keep travelling and ENJOYING those train trips Much love Mum and Dad

  3. Georgina, what colours and beautiful buildings you are seeing and enjoying too. Such different to what you have experienced in those other countries you have visited. We are enjoying the 'in-depth' of your travels and sights. You all, have really SEEN each country, not only the touristy bits. Make the most of your last days What craftmanship they had in the olden days, nothing like that history in Aus. Those tiles and moasics would have been hand made too. Enjoy the last days. Much love Mum and Dad
