Thursday, April 14, 2011

Positano to Salerno.

Taormina to Positano was a 6 hour train ride in a first class cabin.  Again all to myself until I was jammed into the corner as the rest of the seats were filled up with B.O. ridden locals.  Watched a movie (thanks Lany) after admiring the scenery flashing by.  It's a bit hard to focus on when you're doing 160kph.  Anyway I got to Salerno late and missed the last ferry to Positano.  I went into the local police station and saw numerous International Police Association certificates on the wall which was a relief.  The only copper on duty could speak no English nor could he understand my 'fluent' italian, so he took across to the information centre nearby.  He was on of the most helpful coppers I'd come across.  Took me to where I but my ticket and told them what I needed.  Then walked me to my bus stop.  As I left, there he was, standing out the front of his station making sure I got the right bus, giving me a big wave and a smile.  Now for the bus trip from hell.  Silly me sat on the curb side.  Up we go on the narrowest road along sheer cliffs.  Tooting at every corner...and yes, you guessed it; along comes another bus.  So he reverses into nothingness to let the other one through.  One hour and I aged about 20 years I reckon.  Couldn't get off the bastard quick enough.  BUT it gets better.  Positano to Sorrento today was more of the same but it was raining with WET SLIPPERY roads and higher cliffs.  I feel it now just typing about it.  Simon would have gone to his grave.  My first image of Sorrento reminded my of Palermo but with cleaner streets.  Everyone was obviously having a siesta when I arrived and yep.......another shitpit hotel just below the overhead railway line.  Oh, and the pool in the brochure, is empty which is the view from my 'balcony.' Look down to an empty pool or up to the railway lines.  The double bunk bed is older than the one I was in as a boy, and the single bed has more lumps than Rocky Balboa.  Off to Pompeii tomorrow and really looking forward to it.  I should get half a day in there and then I want to have a good look around Sorrento tomorrow cos I'm living in the burbs.  Love to all.  Here are some old photos.  Again no card reader.  Lucas.


  1. sounds like you are having a great time. I remember those bus journeys, SCARY!!! we even had a few people being sick on our so just imagine having the smell of that too...YUK!!!
    Popmeii is just amazing, you can't really describe it, but be prepared for the walking!! Alos the fresh orange juice they sell at the entrance ways...yum!!.
    try not too anyoy anyone in Naples if you are heading that way, heard it can be very rough. Stay safe

  2. Thanks for the commentary via text while on this journey. There was quite a bit of "there but for the grace of God . . .!" going on for me. I think Sue thornton might agree too!

  3. now i will have to call you a Keith... those bus rides are exhilirating... not scary!!!
