Saturday, March 19, 2011


Hi Everyone.  We had a great day on the Big Bus Tour, after breakfast, till we were checking the time or our Dinner Cruise and couldn't find the paper boking.  During that search, we also couldn't find Lucas's Passport!!!  So, we backtracked, asking along the way, walking fast because we were a little tense.  We were also hungry but decided to deal with this situation first!  Second last place we looked - there it was, right where he left it in the room! PHEW!!! We went out again and had lunch then decided to have a nap before our evening of Dinner Cruise and Souks.  We laid down about 3.00 pm and woke up at 11.15 pm and 2.00 am - well that's what my phone said but Lucas's watch said 7.30 am until he turned it up the right way!  We finally got up at 4.15 am, totally over our jet lag but starving - no dinner or cruise!
Visiting the Museum and old town spice and gold markets today and have to be at the airport by 12.30 pm.
This computer can't find the photos so we'l send some from Paris.
G & L


  1. OMG!!! I am sooo glad we aren't travelling with you two!! How could you lose a passport this early in your travels?? You haven't even had time to get blase about travelling yet!! Did you love the souks...we did, especially the spice smells so good there. Shame about the dinner cruise :-( Stay safe & keep an eye on each other's particular your passports.

  2. oh dear... im about to hit dubai myself and am feeling ill at the thought of losing your passport.

    just packing up our final things and planning to attempt a nap before heading to the airport.

    so much for seeing your updates on dubai and the must see items... guess we will have to do the cruise and report back to you on it....

    feel free to sms me any 'must see' things. we are staying in bastakiya. I wonder if you got there??

    stay safe and learn from the hiccups.... xD

  3. that got the wind up you. That'll be the most closly guarded passport from now on!! M-M
