Wednesday, March 30, 2011

some pics

My birthday dinner

Small things amuse small minds.  A light fitting became a microphone

At the market


Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Up early for the 5.56 train

Today the 6 of us were all headad out of Nice on the 5.56 am train.  Dominique, Mark, Michelle & Steve were heading to their canal boat and got off at Narbonne and Lucas and I stayed on till Carcassonne.  This one is my pick - I really wanted to see the medieval citadel here.  We chose the hotel through the internet, because we could see the castle etc through the room window.  We haven't been disappointed!  We are on the first floor and can see it from our room and the restaurant for dinner is on the 4th floor, so after they turn on all the lighting for the tourists, it will be fantastic.
We arrived, checked our bags and walked and walked, all up and through the area.  I have read novels based in this area, both from modern times and 12th century and have really been able to pictures the scenes I've read.
Lucas wanted me to let you know that his propensity for getting up people's noses has not waned but his french is improving!  He is doing the laundry while I do the blog.  He has just come back quickly and told me that he had to ask for change at a hairdressers where nobody spoke English, but he managed.  Then he went next door to the laundry to get a beer.  He was reading the drinks list, saw one he thought he'd had before  so he ordered it and it was a Perrier Water! Not quite what he was looking for, but he drank it anyway.  He then, of course, needed a bqthroom, so he went next door to the IBIS hotel and was told off by the girls there, that their toilettes are only for guests. (Hence the reason he had to come back quickly.)
Tomorrow on to Toulouse and Albi.

Mark's Birthday

On the morning of 27th March 2011, everybody sorted their own breakfast and Dominique & Mark came to our room to collect Lucas.  This was the perfect opportunity to give Mark all the birthday cards from home.  He got a lovely surprise and had a good giggle over them.
Even though it was an overcast day, with a bit of rain, we all headed off to the mystery location of Mark's 50th Birthday Lunch - looking gorgeous - Dominique, Mark, Georgina, Lucas, Michelle, Steve, Gianina, Christian, Laureen, Brodie & Ryan.  We caught the light rail, then the train to Monte Carlo, then a taxi uphill for another 10 kms, to the most fantastic hotel, where we were to have lunch.  Excellent food, presentation & service, all while feeling like you were sitting in an eagle's eyrie.  Gianina & Christian had to leave after lunchhh, so they didn't miss their plane. The hotel then took us all down to Monte Carlo Casino, where we walked about a bit, in light misty rain, checking out the buildings,harbour, shops. We spent an hour or so gambling and admiring the decor of the casino, which keeps the economy of the principality going -  Nobody bought a drink though - it was €14 ($19.20) for a gin & tonic! 
On the homeward walk the rain got heavier and by the time we got back to Budgen's room everybody was soaked.  Luckily we had a Portugese Port that Lucas had bought in Dubai for this occasion!  It went well with the almond stuffed dates Dominique provided and leftover strawberries and cheese that Michelle had from my picnic!!!!
I'll post this and go back to my room to find the correct chord for photo download and come back and give it a go.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

more G's birthday

After lunch we headed up to the Meridian Roof Terraca for some drinks, chats and checking out the beautiful scenery.  It was very chilly by 5.15 pm, because the clouds had come over, but it didn't dampen our enthusiasm for dinner tonight - again big, tasty meals - with dessert and a call from Simon & Helen.  The others have all gone to try their luck in the Casino and I'm heading to my room, a bit sniffly.  What a lovely day and looking forward to Mark's 50th tomorrow.

Georgina's birthday

It was decided that it's too cold for the boat and, after checking things out, we realised that we would have had to stay way off shore all the time too.
Last night we had dinner in a restaurant where the serving sizes would have fed 3 people each! All very   Italian meals and bed by 10 pm - well for me - Lucas decided to try his luck at the casino that is part of the hotel and is now 150 euros ahead.  We were Georgina, Lucas, Dominique, Mark, Michelle & Steven.
After a beautiful breakfast this morning, we wandered around the Flower Market, which includes lots of fresh food and herbs and spices, fruit and vegies.  Michelle decided that she would like to put together our picninc lunch from these beautiful selections, so she and Steven went on their way.  We then met up with  Gianina and Christian and spent a few hours on the light rail and wandering the town & shops.

We all met up at 1 pm in the gardens nearby for lunch, which included Laureen and her daughter Brodie who works here.  Beer, wine, cheeses, duck pate, breads, tomatoes, lettuce, radishes, strawberries, raspberries, macaroons!!!!  Happy birthday to me.

Somme Tour

A line of warfare trenches. Picture them without grass, muddy and with coils of barbed wire on top.

 The Australian Memorial at Villiers Bretonneaux.  Beautiful and peaceful; birds chirping, breeze flowing.
 Lucas climbed the 135 staris to get to the top.

Damage to walls from Messerschmidt fire in WW II

Playground at Victoria School.  Inside the school hall, which is floored with Australian timber, are elaborate wood carvings of Australian Flora & Fauna and there is a Museum in the attic, which is very moving.

some pics from Ebblinghem

The sign to Ebblinghem Cemetery
Lucas signing the Visitors' Book, from inside the monument.
 Uncle Jim's entry in the book of who's buried here
 Paying respects and wishing Rest in Peace.  We brought the flowers there.
Hopefully when this photo is enlarged, you can read the stone.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Somme Tour

Cobbers Battlefield Tours picked us up at 0930 at the train station.  We had Brian the guide and were the only ones on the tour.  In a Renault minibus so heaps of room.  Brian is a semi nerd or Keith from Exeter in the UK.  Small man syndrome would best describe him but he was quite knowledgable.  The tour was long but broken up in and out of the bus all day.  The weather was perfect though hazy across the farm lands.  Very beautiful scenery of undulating farms and intermitten picturesque little towns.  We had lunch in Tommy's Tavern in Poziers where I broke the giant mayonaisse dispenser causing it to ooze litres of the stuff down the bottle.  Virginie was not impressed.  I seem to piss off one local in every country so far.  Visited the Australian War Memorial then finished off the tour with a visit to the VICTORIA school in Villier Bretonneaux which houses the ANZAC museum.  Very interesting stuff.  Heading off to the old part of Amiens near the Cathederal for dinner and some more beers.  Photos to come; this joint can't download. G &L.


After several train trips to get to Amiens, we dropped our bags at our hotel, which is right opposite the station and, we learned today, was where the Diggers used to have meals and drinks.  Stopped in for a coffee at a patisserie and I devoured a fruitsalad custard tart and Georgina decided to go the weight watchers angle and had a wafer thin almond biscotti. 3 more trains to Ebblinghem.  The town is as big as West Burleigh and the lady at the cafe was not UNLIKE Gussie Fletcher, without any English!  After incorrect directions from one man, we talked to another lady doing her gardening and headed out of town, on foot.  (Lucas typing now).  Our directions to the cemetery included an up hill stroll out of town.  On several occasions one had to stop for his sister to wheeze up to where I had stopped.  A 10 minute walk became a 30 minute crawl until we reached the summit where luckily the road with the cemetery was flat.  Very impressed with the condition of the cemetery by the Aust. Govt and locals.  Georgina found Uncle Jim pretty quickly.  His stone has it's own rose bush which we believe he was a fan of roses.  In the photos to come you will notice the bouquet of flowers we left.  Note the lack of colour in the flowers as Georgina wanted to "replicate" the digger's uniforms.  I wanted colour but she speaks better french than me!
Spent some time at the cemetery and I signed the visitor,s book on the family,s behalf. This book is kept under the cross.  Georgina killed it on the downhill trek.   Realising we had time to spare; decided to get the train back earlier.  Checked the timetable but like the trains at West Burleigh, the next train wasn,t leaving until - 6.00pm.  Back to Gussie at the Cafe who ordered us a cab from Hazebrouck.  Decided to have a beer (9% alcohol) but spent our time waiting looking at a killer german shepherd behind the counter, the biggest I have ever seen.  The beer headache woke me at 0200hrs the next morning.  Dinner at the Hotel and in bed by 2100hrs.  May I add the weight watchers angle did not remain when ordering her chocolate lined creme brulee tart topped with sugar for dessert after dinner.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

and again

Chocolate Chocolate Eclair
(Cream Sninney)

Then recovering, in the gardens at the rear of Notre Dame Cathedral

Escargots Entree

Creme brulee for dessert (PAUL will be very jealous)

more snaps

Lucas ROWING an old oyster boat, in Dubai Old Town

Lucas starting his old habits again

Breakfast in Paris at Les Duex Magots this morning - very posh

some pics

Lucas on the BUS, checking if the driver knows where he's going, in Dubai.

Lucas being very BRAVE - 123 floors UP !!!!

Georgina was there too !!!

Photos WE took, from 123 FLOORS UP !!!

Sorry for the worry

Sorry Everyone, about the small causes for concern so far!  We did a deal Simon and Bede would be proud of.  We got the item for AE100 from the asking price of AE490!!  Too far Lany???  He thought he had us at AE300, but didn't realise who he was dealing with.  (By the way Ae100 = AU$34.00)  Lucas reckons the foot chase and adrenalin rush was worth it!!!

We're at an internet cafe now, so we can download some photos for you.

G & L

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Dubai to Paris

In Dubai, we went on one of the Big Bus Tours, very interesting, but keep your camera ready.  Didn't get to take a photo of the garden that was a clock.  At The Top, Burj Khalifa was fantastic!  I was very brave and nearly went right to the edge - 123 floors up !  Very hazy though.  Walked along the Creek and through the old town and the old souks.  Did a bit of haggling over a dancing belt, couldn't agree on a cheap enough price, so walked out.  We were followed out by the young man there who continued to try to make a deal.  He came down to a price we would pay, with Lucas double checking him, before they went back to make the sale.  The main guy was very cranky, telling Lucas that he was Russian for changing his price, but he snatched the money and threw the goods on the floor, while abusing him in Arabic!  Quite a crowd had gathered and started following Lucas out.  When he caught up with me he was walking very fast and muttering keep walking, keep walking.  He envisaged several arabs after us with curved scimitars!!

Paris today.

Saturday, March 19, 2011


Hi Everyone.  We had a great day on the Big Bus Tour, after breakfast, till we were checking the time or our Dinner Cruise and couldn't find the paper boking.  During that search, we also couldn't find Lucas's Passport!!!  So, we backtracked, asking along the way, walking fast because we were a little tense.  We were also hungry but decided to deal with this situation first!  Second last place we looked - there it was, right where he left it in the room! PHEW!!! We went out again and had lunch then decided to have a nap before our evening of Dinner Cruise and Souks.  We laid down about 3.00 pm and woke up at 11.15 pm and 2.00 am - well that's what my phone said but Lucas's watch said 7.30 am until he turned it up the right way!  We finally got up at 4.15 am, totally over our jet lag but starving - no dinner or cruise!
Visiting the Museum and old town spice and gold markets today and have to be at the airport by 12.30 pm.
This computer can't find the photos so we'l send some from Paris.
G & L

Friday, March 18, 2011

Made it to Dubai

Hello all,

Just been told by Georgina the array of audience I have reading these so I'll keep it as clean possible.  I jagged a row of 4 unoccupied seats on the plane and as you know G got an aisle seat with spare.  Shame she broke the seat when told to put it up for landing.  This very unattractive female said her TV wouldn't work so I shared one of my 4 seats with her and commenced snoring my head off.  Nah Nah!!!!!
Very impressed with Dubai''s airport and the cabse cheap. Got to the hotel at 0530hrs and plan to get an early check in at 0600hrs.  My first blog..damn fine angle I reckon.  Time for a shower and day one of playing tourist.
L & G.